Tuesday "I am Thankful for my Body"
Our gathering activity was playdough. Then at circle time after calendar and weather we talked about the amazing things our bodies can do. We jumped with our feet, blinked with our eyes, jumped on one foot, and clapped. The kids took turns picking out neat things we can do. We sang the song, One two, buckle my shoe. We practiced the uppercase D and our Yes/No question was who has a D in their name? Only Danny has a D! We took a break and then did some yoga together. Then we played outside to enjoy the good weather and running with our awesome bodies! We also introduced our thankful tree. We talked about the things we are thankful for together. By the end of November we should have a full tree! We practiced water coloring on a letter D. We read a story called "The little old Lady Who is Not Afraid of Anything." It has great actions the kids can follow along with.
Thursday "I am Thankful for my Family"
During our thankful tree time we talked about each member of the family and what they do for us. We made thanksgiving turkeys practicing each letter in our name. The kids did great with this complicated craft! We read three books on families and being kind. The main book was Crickwing about a cockroach that learns not to bully. We also made family trees by picking out each member of our families and glueing them to a tree.
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