Tuesday: I had so much planned for today but we only got to three of the five activities. I think this is really amazing. The kids are developing more stamina for doing each project. We started with our calendar, weather, and halloween songs. We then read the book "From Seed to Pumpkin" and talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin. We moved to the table and carved our pumpkin together. We voted on a name: Bumpy. We all took turns scooping out the seeds. Then I assigned a part of the face to each student and they drew a rough draft of what the carving should look like. Everyone was really engaged, it was a fun project. We took a break for some pumpkin muffins. After break we worked on a page about the life cycle of a pumpkin. I handed them two sheets of paper to cut out 8 squares of cycle pictures. They all worked really well in cutting, it is a hard skill! We worked together to line up all the pictures and put them in order. I am so excited to see the kids focusing on hard projects. What a great day!
Thursday: Today was party day! We started by decorating our party bags. Then games, games, games! We did a bean bag toss, and then a game of bingo. The bingo game was pretty challenging, most kids hadn't played before, but we played two rounds and everyone got a bingo by the end! The kids then threw darts onto a magnetic jack o lantern for a cool straw prize. We read some spooky/friendly books for story time. We stopped playing for snack. We made popcorn gloves with candy corn fingernails. Then we put pumpkins in order from biggest to smallest. We did our songs and then finally I hid suckers around the living room and they each found three! It was such a fun party!
Thursday: Party Day
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