Thursday, September 14, 2017

Week 2

We did our morning calendar time and then had a visit from a yellow and a blue butterfly who sang about being a good friend and asking nicely to join in playing. Everyone can sit criss cross applesauce for circle time and lesson--we have been practicing!  We also played a counting game with duplos.  Everyone got a stack of five blocks and we practiced making different number combinations.  We made a stack of three which left two behind.  I had them hold up each stack and then put them back together to make five.  This is an early introduction to addition.  We made all the possible combinations and then the children took turns calling out the numbers.  We made a giant tower at the end. We did our music time and then we made our butterflies and had a butterfly parade to a new song. Everyone is doing a great job!

Little Red Hen Day:

Today we started with watercoloring.  We practiced transferring the brush through the right order: water, paint, then paper.  We did our morning routine, our question of the day was, "Do you like cats?"

We talked about being helpers and read the book The Little Red Hen.  I then asked, who will help me make our snack?  They all answered "I will!  I will!"  We then made pumpkin muffins together and all enjoyed them!

We also practiced writing the number 3 together on the whiteboard.  We did our songs and the blue square review page.

 Dancing to our songs!

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