Today we learned about sculptures. I held up a plastic dinosaur and we talked about what we noticed about it. We could feel it, turn it around, and see a lot of details. Then I drew a picture of the dinosaur and we talked about how it was different and how it was the same. I introduced the term 3-Dimensional and we talked about that. Then I showed them a slideshow I made of sculptures around St. Louis. They really liked recognizing the ones from the Magic House and Sculpture park. We talked about how each sculpture was made. The kids then used salt dough to create letter sculptures. I showed them how to roll the clay into a ball and then to make snakes. We had a lot of fun with this! We did the letter U and then celebrated Malachi's birthday! The kids all signed a birthday card for him, we sang happy birthday and played our now traditional birthday bowling game.
Thursday: Music Day
I didn't take any pictures today but heres what we did: I showed the kids some musical instrument flash cards and they guessed how you would hold them and play them. I then played them some samples from those instrument and we matched them up. We also sang a kid song called, "I am a music man". Then I played a few tunes on the piano and they had to guess what songs they were, the kids were really good guessers! We practiced the letter V and made tambourines.
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