Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week 20

Tuesday:We talked about taste and smell today.  We read several books and then talked about our favorite things to see and smell.  These included cookies, ice cream, and flowers.  We also talked about how our sense of smell can keep us safe if we notice a bad smell in the house it could mean the gas is on or there is a fire!  We also did a graphing project.  The kids drew six jelly beans and then tasted each one.  Then they graphed how much they liked them with a smiley face, medium face, or sad face.  This was hard for the kids, but they all focused and did a great job!  It took a lot of concentration to write in the right box, stay organized and focus on each taste.  We then did the same graphing activity for smell.  The kids made lots of dramatic faces over the smell samples and there were lots of frowny face responses!  It was fun to see the kids reactions to these activities!

We also talked about having a new student in class and the kids all wrote him an encouraging note for Thursday!

Thursday: We finished up our 5 Senses booklets today with touch and hear.  We talked about how our skin is very sensitive and all of our skin can feel.  We imagined what our faces would feel like in cold rain, we felt the carpet with our feet, and touched the texture of the wall with our hands.  We talked a lot about the word "texture".  We studied the letter K and practiced writing it several times.  For the hearing portion of the day I used an app on my phone of animal sounds and they guessed what animal was making each sound.  I also made fire engine and fire alarm sounds and we talked about how different alarms and sounds can help us be safe.  We finished the day with a handprint texture activity.  We cut out five different textures and glued them to our handprints.  The kids enjoyed this activity and listened to directions well!  The kids also did a great job including our new student.  


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