Sunday, January 8, 2017

Week 16

Tuesday:  We are starting a new unit this month about bodies.  We are covering the five senses and some of the major organs.  On Tuesday we talked about taking good care of our bodies by exercising and we introduced the five senses and the sense of taste.  I traced the kids bodies and we will use them all month to add new parts and highlight different senses as we talk about them!  We did a hard matching sheet where they used their cutting and gluing skills, and I introduced the letter H.

Thursday:  I introduced lower letter h and we talked a lot about the sound it makes.  we Hopped, jumped like a Horse, Hurried, and Hugged.  The kids enjoyed that activity.  I also hid different parts of a snowman around the room and they found each piece with little h on it.  We put it together as a class. We talked a lot about lungs today, we read a book about lungs and made model lungs.  we also colored and added lungs to our traced body pages.


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