Saturday, September 30, 2017

Week 4

Tuesday:  My Many Moods:

Today we talked a lot about our emotions. We sang if you are happy/ sad/ angry and you know it...  The kids had a good time coming up with different actions for each of the different moods.  We also talked about looking at other people to see how they are feeling, and using words to tell others how we are feeling. We practiced using sentences that start with "I feel"  We also introduced capital A we sang "the A says AH" and the kids all took a turn tracing the A on the white board.  Then they traced it on their own worksheet.  They also made a "My emotions" book!  We had our first cutting practice today as well.  I put a black dot on their thumbs and told them they should see their thumb the whole time they are cutting. They practiced keeping their hand up while cutting. It was the first time for many using scissors and I am excited to see them improve and the year goes by!

Thursday: I Can be Happy

We started with playdough at the table as friends arrived.  We practiced rolling play dough and making balls.  We made snowman with playdough and toothpicks and then smooshed them to pretend they were melting!  We introduced our new class pet and voted on a name. The kids came up with the options of: pumpkin, hannah, pup and jorge.  After some consideration we voted on each on and Jorge had the most votes!  Each child will get a few chances to take him home this year. We read “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” and talked about how even though he kept falling down, he didn’t complain and he tried again and again.  When he stuck with it he accomplished his goal!  We practiced writing lowercase A on the whiteboard and thinking of the things that begin with the “Ah” sound.  We charted which students have the letter a in their name.  We did our worksheet about the color orange and made spooky spiders to decorate for Halloween.

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